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Chester Music

A fine collection of the most famous masterpieces by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart for solo piano.

NT 699 NT 699
未稅:NT 699

This fine selection contains some of the most famous masterpieces by  Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart composed for or arranged for easy Piano.

NT 591 NT 591
未稅:NT 591


NT 591 NT 591
未稅:NT 591

This fine selection contains some of the most famous masterpieces by Claude Debussy composed for or arranged for easy Piano.

NT 498 NT 537
未稅:NT 498

This fine selection contains some of the most famous masterpieces by Ludwig van Beethoven composed for or arranged for easy Piano.

NT 591 NT 591
未稅:NT 591

The essential collection of Brahm's finest works for solo piano.

NT 699 NT 699
未稅:NT 699

The essential collection of Beethoven's finest works for solo piano.

NT 699 NT 699
未稅:NT 699

This fine selection contains some of the most famous masterpieces by Johann Sebastian Bach composed for or arranged for easy Piano.

NT 591 NT 591
未稅:NT 591

A fine selection of some of the most famous orchestral pieces for solo piano. An essential addition to your piano library.

NT 699 NT 699
未稅:NT 699

Lennox Berkeley為英國作曲家,創作許多作品,對音樂貢獻良多。三首單簧管(豎笛)獨奏短曲。

NT 321 NT 321
未稅:NT 321

A superb collection of short arrangements of classical tunes.

NT 537 NT 537
未稅:NT 537

Ludovico Einaudi(魯多維科.艾奧迪)是義大利當代作曲家與鋼琴家。艾奧迪的作品注重氣氛的渲染,冷靜觀照內心的世界,屬於新世紀音樂具有極簡主義的色彩。他認為自己的音樂是源自古典,但是受到非洲音樂、民謠與搖滾樂等不同音樂的影響。透過鋼琴音符記錄生活中易被忽略的感動瞬間,捕捉對大自然與生命的感悟。收錄第六張專輯「Nightbook」精選曲目改編鋼琴演奏樂譜集。

NT 807 NT 807
未稅:NT 807

簡約主義、極限音樂大師Philip Glass 菲利普·葛拉斯為美國大提琴家 Wendy Sutter 溫迪.蘇帝兒創作的大提琴獨奏曲樂譜集。


NT 485 NT 485
未稅:NT 485

英國作曲家麥可·尼曼(Michael Nyman)創作鋼琴協奏曲樂譜。

NT 1,079 NT 1,079
未稅:NT 1,079


NT 817 NT 817
未稅:NT 817
顯示 91 - 105 / 296 (共 20 頁)