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Jacques Ibert Aria pour Flûte et Piano

Jacques Ibert Aria pour Flûte et Piano
Jacques Ibert Aria pour Flûte et Piano
Jacques Ibert Aria pour Flûte et Piano
Jacques Ibert Aria pour Flûte et Piano
Jacques Ibert Aria pour Flûte et Piano
Jacques Ibert Aria pour Flûte et Piano
Jacques Ibert Aria pour Flûte et Piano

    易白爾Jacques Ibert為法國現代作曲家,法國式的機智風格,充分發揮印象主義與新古典主義的技巧,廣受喜愛。詠歎調改編為長笛譜,分譜+鋼琴伴奏譜。

  • 庫存狀況: 尚有庫存
  • 出版社: Alphonse Leduc
  • 作者: Jacques Ibert
  • 總書頁: 4
  • 商品編號: 9790046180248
  • ISBN: 9790046180248
NT 378
NT 378
未稅: NT 378


Aria , written in 1930 by Jacques Ibert (1890-1962), is a small study initially for Voice and Piano but arranged in this edition for Flute and Piano. This version and the one for Alto Saxophone and Piano are the ones the most commonly used. The Flute score is one-page long and contains technical difficulties that would make it ideal for an upper intermediate player. Its author, Jacques Ibert (1890-1962) is a neoclassical composer who won the Prix de Rome in 1919. He composed many symphonic suites, operas and seven orchestras, including 'Angelique' (1926) and 'Entertainment' (1930). He also was in charge of the Accadémie de France in the Villa Médicis (Roma) and was lateradministrator for the Paris Opera.


  • Aria


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