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J. Stamitz Klarinettenkonzert B-dur Klavierauszug

J. Stamitz Klarinettenkonzert B-dur Klavierauszug
J. Stamitz Klarinettenkonzert B-dur Klavierauszug
J. Stamitz Klarinettenkonzert B-dur Klavierauszug
J. Stamitz Klarinettenkonzert B-dur Klavierauszug
J. Stamitz Klarinettenkonzert B-dur Klavierauszug
J. Stamitz Klarinettenkonzert B-dur Klavierauszug
J. Stamitz Klarinettenkonzert B-dur Klavierauszug

    Johann Stamitz約翰. 史塔邁茨為捷克裔德國古典作曲家,小提琴家,創作許多交響曲,協奏曲及室內樂作品,在交響曲方面貢獻良多,作品具典型古典主義風格,其子Karl Stamitz卡爾. 史塔邁茨與Anton Stamitz安東‧史塔邁茨也是著名的作曲家,降B大調協奏曲,單簧管(豎笛)分譜+鋼琴伴奏譜。

  • 庫存狀況: 缺貨
  • 出版社: G.Henle Verlag
  • 作者: Johann Stamitz
  • 編訂者: Nicolai Pefeffer, Michail Lifits
  • 總書頁: 32
  • 商品編號: 9790201814544
  • ISBN: 9790201814544
NT 720
NT 720
未稅: NT 720


The composer and violin virtuoso Johann Stamitz not only established the world-famous Mannheim school in the 18th century but is known among clarinettists above all for presumably being the first to present them with a true solo concerto. Even though Stamitz left it at just this one concerto, it has enjoyed great popularity since its rediscovery in the 20th century and has become a standard work in the concert repertoire. Due to its moderate technical demands, it is ideally suited for music students as a “first” solo concerto, and as preparation for the more demanding solo parts of Mozart, Weber and Spohr. The newly prepared piano reduction was undertaken with a view to make it easy to play so that also less experienced piano players can undertake the accompaniment of the soloist; a renowned clarinettist, editor Nicolai Pfeffer also contributes suggestions for the cadenzas – the result is an ideal Urtext edition for student recitals and music schools.


  • Stamitz, J: Clarinet Concerto in B flat Major


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